precioso regalo

Días después del Akhand Path del Ashram Guru Arjan tuvimos una comidita en la que pudimos compartir con más calma las anécdotas y los pormenores ocurridos durante poco más de 48 horas contínuas de servicio y lo mejor, destacar el hecho de que las últimas horas de lectura en el ashram las shaktis estábamos a cargo, ¡qué tal! Deva Kaur, quien lleva 18 años practicando Kundalini Yoga fue quien nos compartió este bello poema como recuerdo de ese momento...

“My Woman” 7/13/92 by Siri Singh Sahib

My woman is beautiful. She has eight hands. She walks on a tiger regal. Beautiful woman. I see her, I love her, and most of the psychics gets to see her. You know sometimes when I go with any woman, I like her to go ahead of me, because I learned from my woman, she walks ahead of me. In her royalty, in her dignity, in her imperial grace. She is the mightiest of the mighty, she is the majesty of the majesty, she is the divine of the divine, and she is the only Grace before wich the Almighty God bows. To wich we say: "Pritam bhaguati simir kai Guru Nanak lain dhiae..." It is Ashtphuja, the Goddes of the Universe, Conqueror of All, Most Powerful, Most Wonderful, Most Graceful, Most Infinite. Who rides on the Maneater, in a Majesty and of a Dignity and of such a Splendid Identity, the Whole World feels it as a fresh breath of Life. He very Presence is the Totaly of God´s Totality, plus She is still Her Holiness.


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